Founded during the most eventful period of humanity, Terranopia is established by us three, self-proclaimed fun-to-be-around brothers who normally respond to the names Daniel, Mark & Andrew.



We as brothers are fervent of art in one form or another; have been since we were young. Daniel (The Gardener) has always been fascinated by living things; so much so that he’s transformed his house into a ridiculously huge botanical garden. Apart from being a proud supporter of messy hair and sweatpants, Mark (The Artist) brings the heart in art through his artistic eye and patience of the gods. I, Andrew (The Digitalist) was a different person when I started typing this. Albeit, I’ve always been a digital aficionado and ardent in trying to capture my interpretation of art through the lens of a camera. I’m usually best served with earl grey tea and a side of sarcasm.


Terranopia is a way us brothers bond, have fun, be creative and unite as one to provide you our best, combined nature-inspired art.